Monday, January 19, 2009

The President the Media Made

I watched the Obama train ride. I watched his speeches of the last 2 days. I watched him speak of the Constitution and ask God’s blessing for us and our country. I watched him interact with his kids. I’ve watched him roll up his sleeves and paint and talk to people from all walks of life, and I’ve decided I like Barrack Obama. He seems like a genuinely nice person and a good family man and he seems to have a sincere love for our country.

I’ve also watched the mainstream news media say what a powerful person he is going to be as president, how he is going to undo all of the wrongs. How President Obama is going to kiss our boo boos and make everything better. How he is the first African American president in our history (Duh? Like we didn’t know this already?). One of the key things that the mainstream media is missing, and something Roland S. Martin said should have woke them all up, as much as I disagree with this guy, Martin said basically that the emphasis needs to be taken off of the fact that Obama is black, but that he is the MAN that the majority found to competent to hold the Office of President. And this has been the underlying message of the civil rights movement all along. It’s not supposed to be black or white thing, or Asian or Latino or any other minority. It’s an American thing. We were all taught that the USA was the Melting Pot of the World. Roland Martin was not the only prominent black to make this statement, I heard several others make similar statements. So let’s get the race issue behind us, let’s all recognize that there will always be fringe movements within every legitimate cause, that will try to screw things up for everybody.

Now back to Obama. As I said, I believe that Barrack Obama is great guy. I think the Mainstream Media has made public expectations entirely too high for what Obama can accomplish. Wolf Blitzer said it best, when he said that they would be watching Obama’s first 100 days very closely, as though to say, okay, we got you here, now do what we’ve told everyone you will do, if not we will hold your feet to the fire. I feel much empathy for President(-Elect) Obama. He has a seemingly insurmountable task before.him. And like President Bush, he will really have very little control of the outcome, and if he does then we as a people have screwed up by allowing our government to grow so powerful that we will be serving them.

As Joe Biden so eloquently misspoke last summer, I believe he (Obama) will be tested by an international crisis or incident within his first six months of office if not sooner. And I also believe that it will be the will and resolve of the American people to guide us through what ever comes our way. So if Obama truly has America’s best interest at heart, then we should support him. We’ll know more after the first 100 days, won’t we?


Finally, President George W. Bush, did something right. Clemency was granted to Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Finally true justice has shown a feeble face on this matter.

Ramos and Compean were charged and imprisoned for follow the policies of the Federal Agency they had worked for, the U.S. Border Patrol. A major public outcry of support for these two fine federal officers who were charged for defending themselves and attempting to prevent a known Mexican illegal drug trafficker from firing on them and fleeing the scene of a crime. Ramos and Compean endured the worst possible treatment in prison to the point of being beaten by prisoners.

The bad guy, Osvaldo Adrete Davila, is a cushy sentence in a white collar, minimum security facility in Fort Worth, Texas.

Now, to the guts of the matter. It is suggested that Sr. Davila was playing double agent. It has been suggested that Davila was in fact a narcotics officer for the Mexican government or at the very least a paid informant for U.S. drug interdiction task forces. Davila was allowed to act as a Coyote bringing illegals across the border as well as the occasional small delivery of drugs to supplement his income. While the agencies he was working with turned their heads. Apparently Ramos and Compean didn’t know of this arrangement and performed their jobs as they were trained.

Well in order to keep up appearances, a scapegoat or scapegoats were needed. How dare two law abiding Border Patrol Agents uphold our laws. How dare they intercede with a possible agent of a multi-national drug task force; even if one of the agents was a little too into his work. And if Davila truly is a bad guy, why isn’t he in a cell with Noriega. Why aren’t we playing Texas Holdem with a noose around his neck. Why is Davila in a country club while Ramos and Compean were put in general population in prison, to be tortured, harassed and nearly killed, by the very people they were protecting us from.

Not only should Ramos and Compean have their sentences commuted, they should be given a full pardon, they should be reinstated with honors, and they and their families should be compensated for the hardships they’ve endured for the last four years.

What are your thoughts?