Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jesus Christ was not real!

Jesus Christ was not real! or so some assume.

Now that we have your attention, let talk about “Climate Change”. As a young boy I roamed the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains near my family’s farm. On the sides of the hills were ancient seashells. In the river valleys were remnants of the last Ice Age, in the history of the earth not in the so distant past things have been far different.

One particular winter of 1978, the snow was melting and the temparture was a balmy 65 degrees. On the same day, the temperature dropped nearly 50 degrees and one of the worst blizzards in modern history hit the Mid-West, Ohio Valley into the Northeast.

National Geographic ran an article in Nat Geo magazine in the late ‘70’s or early ‘80’s on Greenland and the discovery of Nordic villages and garden plots, fences for keeping farm animals. Within the last few hundred years the Earth’s climate has swung wildly. In the last several thousand years who knows.

Science itself is still imperfect. To claim we know everything is the truly the ultimate arrogance. If we knew everything, we could thoroughly explain the Nazca lines, but we only have theories. We could say without a doubt that God is or is not real. But we don’t know. Do we really know the cycles of our planet? What killed the Dinosaurs, disease, comet, super volcano? We only have educated guesses.

Is the Sun getting hotter? The following is a excerpt from Secrets of the Universe, published in 1999.

“Scientists have been measuring the Sun’s out for many years, initially from ground level, and now from space. It’s level is almost constant, varying less than 1% over many years. But even a small change like this can have a marked effect on our climate. Between the 16th and 18th centuries the Earth was gripped by a “Little Ice Age”. The Climate became colder and caused rivers such as the Thames in London to freeze over in winter, allowing “frost fairs” to be held on the ice. Since then the Thames has never frozen…. The temperature of the Sun has hardly varied. However, flare ups in the Sun’s output lasting 200 or 300 years would not be expected to show up in fossil records.”

In 1972 Douglas Gough at Cambridge University suggested that we may be entering this very stage of a period of Sun warming, due to periodic instability. Wow! Imagine that, something we don’t know about! How many billions of dollars have been awarded as grants, how many billions more have been spent by the world’s governments on global warming.

To seek knowledge is admirable, to assume we have ultimate knowledge is insanity.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Obama Administration to Lay Off Tens of Thousands

Port Canaveral, Florida - During the remainder of 2009 and beginning in 2010, The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council through the current presidential administration is banning commercial and recreation fishing for American Red Snapper and possibly a 35 year ban on all bottom fishing from South Carolina to Central Florida, with plans to expand the zone even further North and South.

This action by the SAFMC is without precedent and is based on data from 1945. The Feds have refused to look at independent and state funded data arguing against the ban. SAFMC representatives have even gotten up and left meetings when qualified scientists have attempted to show them information gathered showing the health of the fisheries.

The bigger picture is 10's of thousands of jobs will be lost as both direct and indirect result of this ruling without the benefit of due process. The potential for billions of dollars to be lost in an already suffering economy is a direct attack on Main Street America.

From small charter boats, to party/head boats, small commercial fishing operation, sea food markets and restaurants will all be impacted severely. Not to mention bait and tackle operationas and state conservation revenues due to lost license and permit fees.

Someone, somewhere is preparing to line their pockets with low cost imported fish from Central and South America at the cost of U.S. Jobs.

Wonder if this is listed on as another success?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Southern Baptists in Lock Step with Radical Islam... ...Maybe?

Today in lock step with Islamic Clerics, Southern Baptist preachers have called for the death penalty for any preachers from other Christian sects that use any translation other than the Bible as translated from original Aramaic, this includes the halting of the use of the King James Version. This was prompted by a pastor and youth pastor from a local non-denominational church in Tennessee who are set to go before the Southern Baptist Council to determine their fate, which many say, has already been decided. The two non-believers are preaching from the New International Version of the bible.

An insider who refused to be named said it is likely these two Satanists disguised in God’s clothing will most likely be stoned to death, which is what they deserve. “They perverted the word of God, from his own mouth”, said the insider.

Official word from the Vatican, formerly opposed to this type of hard line discipline has made an abrupt about face, as have the Hasidic Jews, both agreeing there is only one translation of the Old Testament, and both calling for discipline of biblical proportions, for non-believers and perverters of the faiths.

Parishioners from local Tennessee churches are encouraged to take part in this historical event that will once again bring glory to our nation, declared one official of the Presidents Administration, who declined to be named. The stoning will take place next Friday afternoon, just prior to the start of the Sabbath. Baptisms of children will follow, along with a wedding celebration.

Okay, so this is just a bunch of crap, but this kind of rhetoric takes place across the Islamic world on a regular basis, from radical / hardline clerics; and the governments and people are powerless (or gutless) to do anything about it.

Breaking news just today, tells a similar story from Afghanistan, involving 2 clerics who had the Quran translated into 1000 copies for non-believers and those who could not read Arabic. So now, these two gotta die in da hood, cuz they be messing wit da word O god, they be on da wrong turf. These gangbanger clerics of the Islamic world are the ones who call you, here in the western world, “Infidels”. The radical clerics are the ones who want to control the governments in their countries, at least behind the scenes. They use a faith that teaches love, respect, patience, peace, harmony and ultimately a place in heaven to fuel a movement to threaten, intimidate and terrorize not only infidels but the very people they are supposed to care about.

Where I live, I’m fortunate to have many friends of different faiths and some with no faith at all. Occasionally we get together and debate beliefs, non-beliefs and life in general, but we do so with great respect for each other and with comfort in the thought that we live in a country where we can do so.

What’s your thoughts?


Monday, January 19, 2009

The President the Media Made

I watched the Obama train ride. I watched his speeches of the last 2 days. I watched him speak of the Constitution and ask God’s blessing for us and our country. I watched him interact with his kids. I’ve watched him roll up his sleeves and paint and talk to people from all walks of life, and I’ve decided I like Barrack Obama. He seems like a genuinely nice person and a good family man and he seems to have a sincere love for our country.

I’ve also watched the mainstream news media say what a powerful person he is going to be as president, how he is going to undo all of the wrongs. How President Obama is going to kiss our boo boos and make everything better. How he is the first African American president in our history (Duh? Like we didn’t know this already?). One of the key things that the mainstream media is missing, and something Roland S. Martin said should have woke them all up, as much as I disagree with this guy, Martin said basically that the emphasis needs to be taken off of the fact that Obama is black, but that he is the MAN that the majority found to competent to hold the Office of President. And this has been the underlying message of the civil rights movement all along. It’s not supposed to be black or white thing, or Asian or Latino or any other minority. It’s an American thing. We were all taught that the USA was the Melting Pot of the World. Roland Martin was not the only prominent black to make this statement, I heard several others make similar statements. So let’s get the race issue behind us, let’s all recognize that there will always be fringe movements within every legitimate cause, that will try to screw things up for everybody.

Now back to Obama. As I said, I believe that Barrack Obama is great guy. I think the Mainstream Media has made public expectations entirely too high for what Obama can accomplish. Wolf Blitzer said it best, when he said that they would be watching Obama’s first 100 days very closely, as though to say, okay, we got you here, now do what we’ve told everyone you will do, if not we will hold your feet to the fire. I feel much empathy for President(-Elect) Obama. He has a seemingly insurmountable task before.him. And like President Bush, he will really have very little control of the outcome, and if he does then we as a people have screwed up by allowing our government to grow so powerful that we will be serving them.

As Joe Biden so eloquently misspoke last summer, I believe he (Obama) will be tested by an international crisis or incident within his first six months of office if not sooner. And I also believe that it will be the will and resolve of the American people to guide us through what ever comes our way. So if Obama truly has America’s best interest at heart, then we should support him. We’ll know more after the first 100 days, won’t we?


Finally, President George W. Bush, did something right. Clemency was granted to Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Finally true justice has shown a feeble face on this matter.

Ramos and Compean were charged and imprisoned for follow the policies of the Federal Agency they had worked for, the U.S. Border Patrol. A major public outcry of support for these two fine federal officers who were charged for defending themselves and attempting to prevent a known Mexican illegal drug trafficker from firing on them and fleeing the scene of a crime. Ramos and Compean endured the worst possible treatment in prison to the point of being beaten by prisoners.

The bad guy, Osvaldo Adrete Davila, is a cushy sentence in a white collar, minimum security facility in Fort Worth, Texas.

Now, to the guts of the matter. It is suggested that Sr. Davila was playing double agent. It has been suggested that Davila was in fact a narcotics officer for the Mexican government or at the very least a paid informant for U.S. drug interdiction task forces. Davila was allowed to act as a Coyote bringing illegals across the border as well as the occasional small delivery of drugs to supplement his income. While the agencies he was working with turned their heads. Apparently Ramos and Compean didn’t know of this arrangement and performed their jobs as they were trained.

Well in order to keep up appearances, a scapegoat or scapegoats were needed. How dare two law abiding Border Patrol Agents uphold our laws. How dare they intercede with a possible agent of a multi-national drug task force; even if one of the agents was a little too into his work. And if Davila truly is a bad guy, why isn’t he in a cell with Noriega. Why aren’t we playing Texas Holdem with a noose around his neck. Why is Davila in a country club while Ramos and Compean were put in general population in prison, to be tortured, harassed and nearly killed, by the very people they were protecting us from.

Not only should Ramos and Compean have their sentences commuted, they should be given a full pardon, they should be reinstated with honors, and they and their families should be compensated for the hardships they’ve endured for the last four years.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

What a clear picture that is emerging. Falling crude oil prices are resulting in deflation. What does that mean to the average American? Your dollar goes farther! I’ve been saying for months that crude prices were directly related to the demise of a boisterous economy.

Now this is just speculation mind you, but I bet it’s breaking news before long. And it’s really quite simple. The banks over the last couple of years were heavily vested in energy stocks and speculated in energy exploration. In order to justify the huge investments made in exploration, more money was invested in oil futures. Every investment house in the nation was encouraging the purchase of some investment in energy, whether it were Exxon/Mobil or crude futures or funds with heavy ties to energy. Banks also speculated more in questionable mortgages. They had to spend their profits somewhere.

What the banks hadn’t anticipated was that the price per gallon at the pump would affect consumers the way that it did, nor did they imagine that companies would be affected in the production of goods, or the transportation of goods. Consumers were hit hard, not only by increased fuel prices, but increased prices on everything. In just the last 2 ½ years, a gallon of milk increased an average of 50%. Air Travel increased from 20% to 50%. Everything increased in price. So the cost of energy caused this massive inflation. Consumers who were allowed to buy in on seemingly easily obtained discounted mortgages, got hammered with substantially higher costs on everything. Interest rates increased so did adjustable rate mortgages. With the higher cost of virtually everything, then the dramatic decrease in demand, due to high prices, layoffs began to occur. Doom and Gloom were in the headlines. Spend, Borrow and Spend days were over. Banks raised consumer interest rates, in some cases beyond the allowed usury laws of many states. Defaults on mortgages were just around the corner. The very thing that banks penalize consumers for was common practice in the banking and investment industries. It’s okay for them as long as we pay the bill. Supposedly energy demand is down, this is somewhat of a fallacy. While consumer demand for fuel for personal transportation is down. The percentage is miniscule. Over all

Now the leverage game of the banks is over. Fractional reserve banking (easy money for banks) is over for the present. They can’t borrow it if they don’t have it. Banks need money to survive and they want us to foot the bill. Well the American people need money to survive and we are damn tired of footing the bill. Let these bastards fail. If were any average American, that American would be forced into bankruptcy and would have to start all over.

The U.S. Economy will recover on its own. As prices fall, demand for goods will increase. The dollar will be worth more, not only for our own goods, but abroad. Companies will re-tool, hire new employees further stimulating the economy. Homes will be bought and sold. Interest rates will rise to a fair level, the banks that were smart and survived will prosper, money will be lent. The economy will rebound more sound that it was or ever has been in recent memory.

My friend and professional journalist Imran Anwar has a sound quick start solution. You should check it out at:

Bottom line, the American people are the ones in need of the bailout. We need protection from the glutonous banks that have preyed upon the American people with deceptive practices. We need protection from our own government who has no problem mortgaging our futures to bailout their major campaign contributors. Obama has his work cut out for him. Hopefully, he will listen to mainstream America and will make a change.

Kevin Glenn

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Careful, your conservatism is showing!

As doom and gloom and economic naysayers prevail, the economic situation in the U.S. continues to be weak at best.
Now, BoFA the clown and Citi, that is nowhere on the map, want more! Let them fail! These institutions already have shown that they are totally irresponsible with the money their customers have already given them. Why would the government want poorly run organizations to continue to operate? Why would the government want to continue to spend our money on such ludicrous ideas?
The American People have had enough of this crap. What we want are jobs, stability, and the ability to pay our bills. Short term history has shown that the bailout of these mega banks and corporations has done nothing to shore up the economy and quite the reverse. Executives continue to get bonuses. There are still problems with mortgages and unemployment is continuing to rise. The great globalization plan is a failure, unless the powers that be are able to get us to the breaking point where we will accept anything.
Congress and the new Prez should sit up and take notice. A poll conducted yesterday continues to show that a solid majority of the American People do not want any more bailouts for big business. And the government should listen. Right now, there are a multitude of grass roots organizations working to provide stability within their own communities. The organizations are planning for self sufficiency and zero reliance on the Federal Government for any help. There are plans for increased community gardening and farming. Small business that cater directly to the community in which they are located. And micro economies are emerging.
A good friend of mine has a very simple way to correct this, I won't go into detail here, but you can view his idea on You should check it out, it makes a lot more sense than what the Feds are trying to do.
So Congress and President Elect Obama, watch out, the peoples conservatism is showing.